Ministry Opportunities

Welcome! Parish Ministries are an excellent opportunity to participate in the parish, share your talents, and serve your community. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.
Contact our Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Music, TamI Alexander -, if you are interested in participating as an Usher, Lector, Altar Server or Eucharistic Minister, all others, please contact the Parish Office

All Ministers and volunteers must go through the Safe Environment training required by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and the USCCB. Click here for our brief Q & A to learn more, go to to register and complete your training. Visit the DWC website, Office of Safe Environment (here) for a download with step-by-step instruction for how to register.


Available Ministries:

Altar Linens - Pick up and wash altar linens as needed. (One month out of the year)
Altar Servers - Parish members 4th grade and older. Assist celebrant at weekend liturgies and holy days. Periodic training. Servers are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Hospitality & Fellowship Ministry - Volunteers to help with planning and setting up various dinners and activities throughout the year.
Communion to Sick - Distribution of Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized or in nursing homes.
Eucharistic Ministers - Men, women and teens who are commissioned to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend liturgies. Individuals are scheduled on a rotating basis and training is provided.
Lectors - Men, women, and youth who prepare and proclaim the Word of God at weekend litrugies. Lectors scheduled on a rotating basis.
Religious Education Teachers - Religious Education for our parish students attending public school, on Sundays during the school year. Needed: Teachers and Helpers.
Ushers - Men, women and families who greet and seat parishioners and guests, take up the weekly offering, and distribute the weekly church bulletin. Ushers are scheduled regularly.
Youth Ministry - Adults are needed to help with the meetings, supervise service projects, organize and chaperone entertainment events and activities.
OCIA Team - Join a team of adults in helping a group through the process of becoming Catholic.
Prayer Network Ministry - A phone network that receives requests for prayer.
Music - choir, instrumentalists, cantors, etc.